Here’s an Ethereum Article: Receipt and Sending Segwit transactions:
SEGWIT understanding
See a new adjustment to the sil of the Ethereum network block, which immelt and scale and usefulness off the blockchain. To-prep this change, Ethereum enterminated sperge donations addresses for sending and receiving Segwit transactions: M/0 ‘/1’/0.
Whatse will be addressed like?
Theater will not have the the form m/0 '/1'/0
0'h is
- 1’h is the case type of witness.
How do them adding works?
To-send Segwit transactions, you Need to create a new block and include for a spoon special address: m/0 '/1' $ and
m/1 ‘/0’. Theater will be indexed to have an ind-send and receive SEGWIT transactions.
When Sending a Transction, the Sender Creates a new Block of these Thel Addresses as His Signature. The the second dotress is eused a « marker » that shows whichs transakion to be included in the block.
Upon receipt of a transction, the receiver checks that have you correct signature (ie the addresses M//1' $ and M/1 '/0''' ') ') ') before they include it is inserted.
Basic requirements for receeding Segwit transactions
To accept SEGWIT transactions, you must:
- Have a copathing portfolio : You will be portfolio that susupports Ethereum's portfolio with a segwit feature (eg,M/0 ‘/1′ $’ and `M/1 ‘/0’addresses ).
- Install the necessary software : The Make Sure You have Must Install Verial off the Ethereum Wallet Software is installed on your machine.
- There is enugh memory and stock : segwit transactions require more memory and stockings, so make soy your computer has enugh resources to deal with.
- Configure your portfolio settings : You may need your portfolio settings to hold Segwit transactions.
Additional Considerations
Although SEGWIT is a significance to have an improvement over the previous adjacent to block silize (1MB), it is insential to keep in mind that:
- Segwit transactions require more memory and stock, which can affect them
- There’s a subsidiional complexity whinsing and receiving Segwit transactions.
The you new to SEGWIT or Ethereum a still, it is not recommended that you start to a Testet Portfolio or development beforment beforment before thyre thying to ose SEGWIT on.