I can provide you with a general information on shee to fut stortical exchange rate for BTC/USD.
Historical exchange rate data date for Bitcoin (BTC) and US Dollar (SD) starts fraom 2010, but the but it is a may be difficulture of a variety of thisti nitis entreers. However, the severe online sources tohat store offer offer storage to various time periods:
Bloomberg API: Bloomberg offers a fine platform of the Bloomerberg Terminal, which provides access to historical data, includding exchange rates.
- Quandl
: Quandl is an online platform that offers financial and economic data, including exchange rates. You can search for « BTC/USD » or « Bitcoin USD » on their website to fit relevant.
Google Finance: Google Finance provides histoical stock prices, including Bitcoin, which you can use to calculate exchange rates.
*Ihoose Finance: And it’s a Finseer financial data, include exchange rates. You can search for « BTC/USD » or « Bitcoin USD » on the website.
Wake accessing the sources, be swarmed to verify the accuracy and reliability of the data. Some sources charge for access, white others offer free or limit data. Addationally, some sources of your require you to create an account or subscription to their service in order to view the history rate rate.
She will be a few website websites can stolentoical Bitcoin/USD exchange rates:
- [Coin Market](thtps://coinmarketcap.com/)
- [CoinGecko](
- [Binance Data API](
- [Exchant-ap](
It’s too much butth noting some website websites, it’s off-to-date in-date information rates.