Ethereum Merkle Tree implementation: Verification of the presence
Merkle trees have become a basic data structure in Ethereum ecosystem, allowing developers to effectively check and download large data sets. The algorithm is to check that a particular element exists within a mercle tree, « the algorithm of the element check » or simply « is_precent (element) method ».
What is Merkle Fa?
Merkle wood is a binary wooden structure that allows the integrity and authentication of effective data. It consists of several letters, each of which represents a block or transaction in the Ethereum blockchain. The root of the tree contains all leaf nodes, creating a hierarchical structure.
The IS_PRENT (item) algorithm
To check that there is an element in a Merkle tree, we need to cross the wood from the root to the leaf nodes and to verify that each part rooted in the position contains the specified element. The algorithm includes several steps:
- Basic case: If the current node value is the same as the target element, then it is true.
- Recursive case: Otherwise call
IS_PRESENT (element)
on the left child (if exists) and the appropriate child (if exists). If any recursive call is true then return.
Execution in strength
Here is an example of the implementation of the « IS_PRENT (element) » function in strength:
Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Merkletree {
// array to store all mail (blocks or transactions) in the tree
mapping (address => uint256 []) Public letters;
// feature to create a new mail node point
Function Createleaf (address _node, uint256 [] memory _data) public {
leaves [_node] .push (_data);
// feature to check that there is an element on the Merkle tree
Function isprent (uint256 _element) internal view returns (BOOL) {
// BASE Case: If the current node value is the same as the target element, the return is true.
if (letters [msg.sender] [0] == _ELEMENT) {
Return is true;
// Recursive Case: Incidentally, call the callis_pren (element)on the left child
// and the right child. If any recursive call is true then return.
for (uint256 i = 1; i
if (letters [msg.sender] [i] == _Element) {
Return is true;
if (isprent (_element)) {
Return is true;
// If you do not find a match, give it back to false.
Returns are false;
Explanation and links
: This article provides a detailed explanation of the structure of Merkle Tree Data and its strength. [Learn more: Ethereum Blockchain Funds] (
* IS_PRESENT Function
: This feature performs IS_PRESENT (element) algorithm, allowing you to verify that an element exists on a Merkle tree. [Solidity Demonstration: How to execute the Isprent function] (
* Merkle FA Example : This example shows how to create a new letter of mail and use the IS_PRENTENT function to check that there is an element on the Merkle tree. [Ethereum Blockchain Tutorial: How to Make a Merkle-Fat] (
More sources
* Implementation of Merkle Tree : This article provides deeper information about the implementation of the IS_PRENTIFT function by using another approach.
* [Solidity presentation: understanding and implementation of Merkle trees] (