Ethereum base classes and the function of the same name, but different types of parameters
Ethereum’s main categories are a crucial part of language programming languages. They provide the basis for defining functions that can be used with any Ethereum Blockchain contract. However, one of the restrictions on these basic classes is that they support only two types of parameter: UINT256
and address’.
In this article, we explore how to define the functions of the same name, but different types of parameters with the Easna Classes.
The basic classes of Ethereum are defined in the « ERC20 contract that offers a set of features that any EC20 Ethereum Blockchain can use. The ERC20 Basic class has two types of parameters:UINT256
and address « . In order to maintain features with different types of parameters, we need to expand the ERC20 base class with our own features.
determining the characteristics of the same name, but different types of parameters
To define the same name function as an existing ERC20 base function, but with different types of parameters, we can create a new agreement that expands the basic class of ERC20. We then invite this new agreement with its original name and move on to the desired parameters.
Here is an example of how this is done:
// spdx-license-derifator: mit
Pragman solidity ^0.8,19;
Import « @Openzepel/contracts/ERC20/ERC20.sol »;
Bring « @Openzepel/contracts/token/ERC20/EXTENSIONS/ERC20CAPPED.SOL »
Bring « Openzeppelin ERC20Extensions.Sol »
Mynewcontract agreement expands Openzepepel’s ERC20Extensions {
MyFunction function (Uint256 _Param1, address _Param2) Public {
// perform some activity with _Param1 and _param2
UINT256 _temp = _Param1;
_Temp = _temp * 2;
// Define the feature we want to call with the original name
MyFunction1 (Uint256 _Param1, Address _Param2) Public {
// perform some activity with _Param1 and _Param2 (other than myFunction)
UINT256 _temp = _param1 * 2;
_temp = _temp + _param2;
In this example, we define two qualities: MyFunction
and MyFunction1. The first feature takes over the
UINT256 _Param1 and address _Param2, while the second feature takes » UINT256 _Param1 « , but with a different type of parameter (_param2
address). We then invite these new functions through their original names to go to the desired parameters.
In summary, determining the characteristics of the same name, but different types of parameters are possible with the use of Ethereum base classes. By expanding the basic class of ERC20 and inviting this new agreement with its original name, we can create contracts that maintain several features of the features while maintaining compatibility with the existing firm code.
Remember to always follow the best practices for naming contracts and parameter types when determining the features of different types of parameters in ethereum-based projects.